Monday, July 23, 2007

Sailing on a monday evening

Enjoying the sunset over Waukegan from Lake Michigan.

Summer is still going strong here so we are trying to make the most of it and get out on the lake as often as possible. Today Staszek made it home on time after work and we had two great hours of fresh Lake Michigan air. The wind was not that great, fortunately the sunset was.

Sunny study

A sunny Saturday afternoon...

Our house is full of nice little corners where you can sit down and relax. A favourite spot of the cats is the lounge chair in the study. In the afternoon when the sun comes in through windows from 3 sides, it's the perfect place for a nap.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

4th of July

Independence day in Waukegan 2007: sailing in the afternoon and watch the evening fireworks from the boat in the Marina.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Last year November we decided that we need to make use of the fact that we are living so closely to the fifth biggest lake in the world and purchased a small sailing boat. Our new place in Waukegan is three minutes away from a Marina at Lake Michigan so you can imagine how we spend our summer weekends and weekday evenings....We love it!

Visitors from Amsterdam

We had a great time with Marysia and Reinier who visited us for the last two weeks.
They were the first guests in our new place in Waukegan and were kind enough to help us with some of the last projects (assembling the bbq, cuttin a dead tree into pieces (thanks Reinier!), planting seeds, etc.).

We had drinks in the signature lounge, picknicked at Ravinia, went sailing and generally enjoyed the time together.


After a too long renovation project can we finally enjoy our new, old house.

Pictures say more than words:

More pictures about the inside soon...