Friday, April 24, 2009

Stasiu and Nina

On Saturday 11 April, Nina met her little brother for the first time. There were lots of kisses and hugs, but then it was time for hide and seek.

Stasiu going home

After two nights in the hospital, Stasiu and Anita went home to Waukegan on Friday April 10. Stasiu was dressed up in his going-away-outfit, had to get rid of his 'alarm-device, exchange his comfy little crib for a carseat and went to meet his new house friends, the cats, for the first time. He slept through the whole event!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

A few more pictures of little Stasiu

Stasiu and his mom are doing well. Maybe we can go home already tomorrow... Then Nina will have the chance to meet her little brother for the first time.

Welcome to the world part II

Stanislaw Jozef Chlapowski

Born on April 8th at 20:31

2959gram 46cm

What a joy to inform you that the whole family is doing well!