Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I can do it myself!

It's starting already; I want to do it myself! No further comment necessary, just see for yourself how the second carrot session went today.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jip the cozy cat

Jip has made a habit of joining Nina and Anita for the morning feeding. As this event takes place in his favourite spot, the bed, it's only natural that he should be there too. Not just on the bed, but close to us, very close. Preferably between, but that's a bit difficult so next to will have to do for now.

First carrots!

After the rice cereal, the first carrots were on the menu. Different colour, different taste, but Nina loved the orange puree and finished her portion in no time. She even checked if the bowl was really empty. And after that, time to sit back, relax and let it all sink in and go down.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

First rice cereal

Nina is now six months old so the time had come to extend her diet. Rice cereal was going to be her first 'solid food' experience. After Nina had tried a little bit off his finger, Staszek had the honor of feeding the first teaspoon full. Then Anita had a go as well. Only a limited amount for the first time, but enough to make a mess. Tomorrow again!

Cat comfort

It's a well known fact that cats have a knack for finding the most comfortable place in the house to lay their little furry heads. Jip and Janneke surely do, too. In the sun on a huge pile of clothes and just folded soft blanket, or even in Nina's little crib on, again a soft blanket. But only when she's not in it: they check!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

High chair

It's always nice to see things from a different perspective and to be able to join the grown ups when they are having dinner. An upgrade from the bouncy chair and playpen to the high chair. Nina is loving it! But that green bottle will have to wait a little.

Easter 2008

Easter felt more like Christmas this year: snow, snow, snow outside! We are so ready for Spring. Fortunately we had a little Easter bunny to cheer us up.