Thursday, January 28, 2010

Like sister like brother

Today was the day for Stasiu's first pickle experience. Nina loves them, but Stasiu had never tried them. It was a big hit! He never put it down although really eating it was a bit hard with only two little teeth at present. Let's consider it a good practice round.

Scary Nina!

Nina almost scared me out of the kitchen with her ghost act yesterday!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stasiu playing hide and seek

Stasiu is getting very mobile and thinks playing hide and seek under chairs is hilarious.

Potty time

Nina wants to go potty and she's doing very well indeed. Of course she prefers to go in the most comfortable spot of the house: living room in front of fireplace while watching one of her favourite shows: de Film van Ome Willem. Before we know it she'll be retreating to the bathroom with a newspaper or book, but for the time being Pampers are still on the shopping list.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

FT Weekend Edition

The Financial Times Weekend Edition: After Miffy and Barbapappa it's Nina's favorite..

Fun in the Snow

We went to Bowen Park to try out the sleigh while it was snowing. Nina and Stasiu had fun and Staszek got some excercise.

Remote control...

This is what happens when Nina grabs the camera remote control...
She probably made a hundred pictures in a few minutes. It was funny to watch her pose for each picture once she understood the purpose of that little device.