Monday, March 05, 2012

First day at school 2012!

The summer vacation has come to an end and last week Nina & Stasiu started their new school year at Amapola. Nina in the Sala Verde (Green classroom) and Stasiu in the Sala Azul (Blue classroom). New teachers, new and old friends, new rooms, new toys to be explored. But is was as if they had never been away and they did very well. Now back to the everyday routine of getting up and ready in time :)

With cousins Sofie and Isabel!

Cousins Sofie and Isabel came to Apeldoorn to meet with Nina & Stasiu. All the toys were sampled, we had a great lunch together and to top it all off, a manicure by cousin Sofie for Nina!

With cousin Lotte!

All the way to Rotterdam by train we went to see cousin Lotte! The train ride was a lot of fun. Upon arrival we had a lovely lunch with Lies and then we took the metro and bus to her house, where Lotte arrived a little later. Time for dress up play and dinner! After that the train back to Apeldoorn. It was a long but great day and Nina & Stasiu did not want miss one minute of their time in Dutch public transport also because of the super goodie bag that Lies had given them :)

With the cousins Lycke, Jesse, Bente & Symen!

They came to visit us and we went to visit them in Zwolle: going for a bike ride, joining Lycke to her acrogym class and watching a movie together with Bente and Symen!

With the grandparents!

In those two cold weeks there was a lot of time to be spent indoors too with the grandparents; opa and oma, baboe and dziadek! From reading, to doing puzzles, artworks and decorating faces, all was fun!

Visiting freezing Holland!

In February we went from high summer in BA to two weeks of wintery cold in NL!. The much anticipated snow was there to be enjoyed, but Nina & Stasiu did find it 'muy frio' outside. Fortunately they both received a much needed hat and scarf set to stay warm as a present upon arrival so they could spend some time and play in the super fresh air!