Monday, April 08, 2013

Stasiu 4!

Our little Stasiu is a big boy now: he turned 4 today! The day started with presents. Then off to school with a basket full of treats for his classmates. Lunch in his favorite restaurant with Lucy and mama. Play with his birthday presents. And later in the afternoon a few of his friends came over to sing, celebrate and share the birthday cake. It was a great day!

Swimming lessons!

Nina and Stasiu had already started swimming lessons during 'colonia de verano' (summer school). To keep up their acquired skills, they now go for the weekly session too. They were delighted to find that they will have the same instructor. For a moment it seemed like they were going to have the semi-olympic pool to themselves. The group was small, the activities fun and they had a great time!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Felices Pascuas!

Apart from our cat Jip, the Easter Bunny is Nina's favorite animal at this moment. All week she's been talking about him and anticipating tons of easter eggs in our patio. Fortunately he came and left some colorful chocolaty presents for both Nina and Stasiu: they were very impressed and could not wait to finish everything off in one session :) Fortunately they did not, but will for breakfast tomorrow morning! Happy Easter!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

First day at school 2013

The first day at school is a fact for both Nina & Stasiu. Both mom & dad accompanied them this morning to Amapola: Stasiu to the Jardin location and Nina to the Primaria (where the big kids go!) location. They were all excited to see their new teachers and friends so no problems at drop-off. All went well and two very happy kids were picked up at midday.

Roller Skating in the Park

Nina got the pink roller skates she really wanted already some time ago from ciocia and we finally made it to the park to give them a good try. Stasiu did not want to be without wheels either so he took his trike. It's not easy to 'walk on wheels', but slowly Nina was getting there. A few more practice sessions and she'll be making rounds like a pro! After a while it was time to change: Stasiu the skates and Nina the trike. But the round in the park is big so they finished it off together!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Muffin deco!

Anything to do with sweets, cakes, candy is good according to Nina and Stasiu: decorating little cakes with candy even better. A good 45 minute activity for the summer holiday which will be extended when the pieces of art are going to be eaten as dessert this evening - a winner!