Monday, July 24, 2006

Thunder & Lightning

It has been hot over the past two weeks and everybody was looking forward to some rain 1) to cool off and 2) for the grass that was slowly turning brown. Last week, Monday evening, our prayers were heard and the skies turned dark, darker, darkest. Lightning was already in the air, but far away. Then it started storming, raining and the thunder came. It was so strong and hard that the house was shaking literally. This was serious business. When the worst was over, we went downstairs because we had heard some heavy noise. At the sliding doors to the deck we saw... green, lots of green very close to the window. Now, we like trees, but not when they prevent you from getting on your balcony. The thunderstorm and ripped half the tree that was standing in front of our deck and the part had fallen onto the deck, just missing the house by a few centimeters. We had been lucky! In the morning, our neighbours came to check on us if everything was ok, which was the case fortunately. But how do you get rid of half a tree? Buy a chain saw and cut it into pieces. The chain saw was purchased at the local hard ware store. Anita started the cutting in the afternoon and Staszek finished the heavy stuff later in the evening. Some of the trunks will find use in the fire place of Staszek's colleague and the rest of the debris was picked up last Saturday by Public Works of Mundelein. Apart from an open view to the lawn, less shade in the afternoon and a slightly dislocated deck, nothing reminds us of the storm. It's a pity; it was a very nice tree, but in nature only the strong survive.

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