Friday, June 09, 2006

We moved!

Yes, we moved last weekend to the house on 1352 Huntington Drive. Unfortunately we don't have internet there yet, but that should change next week. Now it's taking the Apple to Panera lunch cafe where they have free WiFi: I have become a regular customer! The new house is great with the big garden and lots of space inside. The cats are very happy too and they wake us at 5 am everyday because they want to go outside, which they can, but at 7.30 am. So far, they have always found their way back home, but there are of course a lot of interesting places to be discovered in our neighbourhood, not to mention a lot of intrigueing animals like, chipmunks, ground badgers, skunks, racoons, rabbits and according to the neighbours even deer and coyotes!

The only thing we are waiting for now is our furniture. It has arrived in New York and should be on its way to Chicago, where the customs clearing will take place. A little bit more patience and if all goes well, we should have our stuff in about 2 weeks. In the meantime, the IKEA sofa bed and wooden garden set are the only items in the house so it's a bit like indoor camping, but this should all change soon!

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