Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First visitors in Mundelein!

Adnan and Nurdan were the brave ones to be our first visitors here in Mundelein. The fun started immediately with a huge traffic jam going to the airport to pick them up and again on the way back home. It was a long weekend, Labor Day weekend, so everybody had decided to go on the move. The weather was great so the scenic tour by car along Lake Michigan to Chicago, with a little stop at the Baha'i temple in Evanston, showed off our new surroundings to the max. Downtown without satelites for the TomTom is always a challenge, but the good old paper map did the job. Dining out in Chicago with Mojitos, all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet in Libertyville, retail therapy in Pleasant Prairi Wisconsin, commuting by train to Chicago to visit the museums, The Cubs versus The Pirates baseball game at Wrigleyfield (which turned out the be almost historical because The Cubs won and they never do!) and a lot of ice cream with CoolWhip. If this sounds alright to you and you want to experience all of this too, please make your bookings now.

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